Focus Group
C3RLabs offers fully-equipped focus group facilities.
Comfortable suites and conference-style setups are carefully designed for optimal data collection,
monitoring, and recording. Research services such as participant recruitment, transcripts, and trained moderators are
available to ensure your focus group study is a success.
Room Dimensions : 19’ x 19’ — Observation Room: 19’ x 17’
Large conference-style space accommodates 12 comfortably.
Suitable for large focus groups, mobile testing, usability studies, and in-depth interviewing.
- Bright, comfortable conference setup w/ one-way mirror
- Observation room w/ workstations, reliable Internet access
State-of-the-Art Research Facility for Usability Testing, Focus Groups, Shopper Studies
Room Dimensions : 18’ x 15’ — Observation Room: 15’ x 15’
Comfortable suite configured as a living room is ideal for multimedia studies;
focus groups of 8-10 participants; or eye-tracking and biometric studies.
The viewing room can accommodate 10 comfortably.
Lab Technology
Multiple wide-angle cameras
for 360° lab observation & recording